10 POWER self reflection questions to kick start your 2021
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Straight up honestly 20201 and I am still tired it just didn't go away and no matter how I rested it hung around.
The best thing is I now know why and can do something about it. So, for me now it is even more important to focus and plan. Oh its funny how we are given opportunity or nudges to get it together. I am grateful I am being kind of forced to slow down. STILL I DID NOT LISTEN so GENTLE is my word for the moment.

It's been a doozy of a year so take time out to ask yourself one or two or all of the following questions. This will help you shape up your decisions for 2021 even if you ask yourself one of these questions and sit with it for a while will help. Then write it down and your answers when you see the words and thoughts outside of your mind it changes and shifts things.
1. How has your life changed or stayed the same in the last year?
Was it an eventful year? Why or why not? How did your choices lead to or allow any life changes, and will you make these same decisions in the future?
2. What are you most proud of?
Don't forget to pat yourself on the back for any job well done. You deserve it for all your hard work and perseverance. Acknowledging our successes reminds us what we are capable of at any moment.
3. What was it that stressed you out the most?
And what ways can you relieve this stress in the new year?
4. What are five words that describe this year, and which five words do you want to describe 2020?
Take a moment to envision how this year went, and how you want the next year to go.
5. What negative habits do you want to break next year?
We all have negative habits, and we have the power to stop doing them. Are you too negative? Do you indulge in junk food too often? How can you improve? How can you change bad habits to good ones?
6. Were there any opportunities you missed out on?
If so, what moves can you make now to prevent another missed opportunity from happening in 2020?
7. What did you start and not finish?
And will you revisit this in the new year? (If it helps lead to your future success and happiness, then you should.)
8. What brought joy into your life this year?
Make a commitment to do more of the things that bring you joy, and less of the things that take joy out of your life.
9. What are you most grateful for?
Despite the challenges we go through, we can always find something to be thankful for. What blessings did this year give you, and how will you stay grateful in the new year?
10. What's the one thing you'd like others to remember about you when you're no longer here?
We can get so caught up in our daily lives that we forget to think about our legacy. With this question, think big picture, and think about how you can make steps next year to bring this vision to life. There is no better time than right now