Mōrena sista!
After so many years supporting wahine like you, one of the biggest things is often fear.
Fear of not being good enough, fear of the unknown, fear of being judged. The fear of failure or rejection can be paralysing - and it is often rooted in a fear of failure or a fear of criticism. We are so afraid of what others might say, or how they will judge us that we let fear and doubt hold us back from doing it, and this is not just about Moko Kauae. The fear of being judged also stops us from doing other things in life that could bring us fulfillment and happiness. Imagine being free of the fear of judgement?
But hey, what if your fears were just made up in your own head, think about that! What if you knew that you had the courage, strength, and confidence to do it, but just wanted reassurance, support and place to talk things through? A safe, nurturing space that allowed you to unpack and reflect from your own understanding of it all. To learn and grow.
What if this was the catapult for you living your best life? What if this opportunity was the catalyst to your next chapter? To let go of the things holding you back and living the life you always imagined for yourself?
Continue your powerful journey by listening to your heart, intuition, wairua. Let go of the things that have stopped you from living your life fully and start moving forward. Now is the time to live the life of your dreams!
It is your time when you say it is your time!
This is us in our get up for a music video we filmed in Las Vegas USA. Love Ride here it is here on YouTube have a listen perfect for Sunday morning, who would’ve imagined we did all that and so much more and oh had Moko Kauae that whole time hehe free of fear