9 Signs of Low Self-Esteem and Strategies for Fixing Them
When I was less confident and mmm well had low self esteem I used to get real sensitive about this whole topic. I didn’t really want to know about it or even think about that possibility. It used to feel like I had a disease that I didn’t know I had.
These days though, these feelings only pop into my head now and then or when someone triggers me. I hope that you will find some practical use from this blog.
Step one is being aware, so check this out and you have an awesome day today.
Low self-esteem is practically an epidemic. We’re bombarded with images of impossible success and beauty on a daily basis. It’s hard to avoid making comparisons, and those comparisons never seem to work out in our favor.
Add to that a few mean comments received in childhood, a workplace bully, and a few extra pounds, and your self-esteem is in the toilet.
Recognize the signs of low self-esteem:
Difficulty accepting compliments. If you have a hard time hearing someone say something nice about you, you might be suffering from low self-esteem. Most people enjoy receiving a genuine compliment, but those with a low opinion of themselves feel very uncomfortable being on the receiving end of praise.
Start by giving yourself compliments in the mirror. Keep doing this each day until the discomfort is greatly diminished.
- Next, ask people if they like your shoes, new haircut, or your brand-new gas grill. People will almost always say they do. Enjoy the compliments.
Overly sensitive to criticism. On the other hand, those with low self-esteem can’t handle criticism either. They tend to overreact and to take criticism too personally.
Even constructive criticism is handled poorly. Do you bristle when someone offers a helpful suggestion for improvement? If so, your lack of self-esteem might be the reason.
- Ask someone for advice about how you could improve how you currently do something. Then, thank them for it and make good use of their feedback.
Do things that will likely result in failure and realize that it isn’t so bad. Apply for jobs you have little hope of landing. Ask out a stranger for coffee.
Do what needs to be done without trying so hard to make others happy. Do something that makes YOU happy.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider the negative impact your words or actions can have on other people.
- Put yourself first for a change. That doesn’t mean you have to take advantage of anyone but think about what would be best for you and your life and give that a try for a while.
- Begin by saying “no” more often. Prioritize your time and your life by turning down requests that don’t fit in with your plans or are too burdensome.
Critical self-talk. Do you speak kindly to yourself or are you hard on yourself? People with a healthy level of self-esteem tend to be kind and encouraging to themselves. Those with low self-esteem tend to be much more critical.
Monitor your self-talk and stop yourself when you speak poorly to yourself. Compliment yourself each time you catch yourself being negative toward yourself.
Seek to improve some part of your life each day, even if it’s only in a small way.
Give your opinion whenever asked. See what happens.
Low self-esteem is common, but that doesn’t mean it’s normal. Recognize the signs of low self-esteem in yourself and your children and do something about it. Low self-esteem is extremely limiting.
Raising self-esteem is a great gift to give yourself and the ones you love.
Cut cleanse clear and shine
Sister B xxx